I don't like the spear one. It doesn't make good use of the Rangers Expertise except for RaO, but it is a PvP elite, not so useful in PvE, a build like this would be better on a Paragon with 16 Spear Mastery than on a Ranger.
For a Ranger a decent (not much more, it's just pressure, and the elite is terrible ^^ ) build would probably be
[skill]Strike as One[/skill] [skill]Tiger's Fury[/skill] [skill]Slayer's Spear[/skill] [skill]Disrupting Trow] [skill]Harrier's Toss[/skill] [skill]Comfort Animal[/skill] [skill]Charm Animal[/skill] [skill]Resurrection Signet[/skill]
Il you can't count on a good monk take out one attack and pick up [skill]Companionship[/skill] maybe.
It's just a pressure build, nothing really powerful, but works quite well. Don't bring it in mid-high end PvP, AB and RA are the last places were it has a meaning. ^^